Hi lovelies! Yes, I am alive. I know I’ve been MIA for two months but I’ll get into that at the end of this post. My reading was very pathetic in August and September, so that’s why I’m just doing these together. For both months I read a grand total of 5 things and 1,906 pages. But without further ado, let’s get on with it.

Always Never Yours by Emily Wibberley & Austin Siegemund-Broka
This was super fast paced and I couldn’t get enough of the love interest. He was a total softie which is rare in young adult romance, so I enjoyed him. I’m not a huge Shakespeare fan, but the fact that this story revolved around theater kids performing his plays was interesting. But unfortunately I didn’t like the entire rest of the cast and everyone aside from the MC seemed very one dimensional. This would probably be more enjoyable to romance fans, but I’ll still be checking out their other book.

Sycthe (Arc of a Scythe #1) by Neal Schusterman
This was such a breath of fresh air. I’d only heard great things about this book, and it definitely lived up to the hype. The characters were lovable, the plot was great, and the writing was freaking fantastic. I especially loved all of the journal entries by the scythes. The only minor issue I had was the romance. It wasn’t necessary and I think it would have been better if they were just friends instead. But regardless, I still really enjoyed this! I can’t wait for more news about the movie adaptation.

Before the Devil Breaks You (The Diviners #3) by Libba Bray
This was definitely my favorite from The Diviners series. Tons of things were finally revealed and the whole ghost atmosphere was great. It wasn’t quite as spooky as the previous books since this was more character driven than plot driven, but I surprisingly liked that. These characters are all (well most of them) so near and dear that it was just really nice for things to slow down a bit before the finale. And although this one was slower paced, there was still plenty of suffering for these diviners, so be prepared for pain.

Caraval (Caraval #1) by Stephanie Garber
This was my second time reading this one, which is one of my all-time favorite books, and I think I loved it even more this time around! Oh how I missed this beautiful world and characters. Stephanie’s writing is so poetic and descriptive that I feel like I’m really there experiencing this magical game along with the cast. Caraval just makes me want to believe in magic.

I Hate Fairyland Vol. 3: Good Girl
I was having a really really awful day about a week ago, and I had a million things to take care of, but I decided to take a bit to check this out and it seriously saved my entire day. It was freaking hilarious and it might be my favorite from the series so far. The art and coloring were as bright and gory as ever. The dialogue was superb, and the way that they always cuss but without actually cussing? I fluffing loved every second of it.
Life Update/Hiatus:
Ha, where to begin? Well essentially I’ve just been crazy busy. I’m taking 6 classes this semester, I work at a dance studio, I help take care of my niece, and I have an insane amount of assignments, papers, projects, quizzes, and tests every single week. And then some personal problems arose, and my migraines have been more frequent lately, so I was lowkey depressed for a bit. Because of all this, I’ve kind of been in a reading slump and haven’t been active in the book community at all. I’m sorry for missing out on so many friends’ great posts, but I’ve just been in a rut. Any free time that I’ve had has just been spent playing Horizon Zero Dawn or The Witcher 3 to de-stress lol.
I have SOME spare time to read now and have already finished a book this month (yay), so things are looking up. I’m trying to just force myself to read, so I’m doing a readathon that starts in a few days and last for 10 weeks. Hopefully it won’t kill me and I’ll actually be able to get some reading done. There’s a lot of new releases that I’m interested in coming out soon though, so that should help me get back into reading.
But yeah, that’s essentially why I disappeared for two months. I can’t promise that I’ll be continuously active, but I’ll try to at least post a couple of times a month! I hope everyone is doing great and feel free to send me some of your favorite posts that I’ve missed out on!

Thank you so much for reading my post and for making it to the end! And I hope your reading for August and September went a lot better than mine did. Feel free to link your own wrap ups or just let me know what you’ve read in the comments (:
[…] to my wonderful friend Sailor, who sent me this really cool spreadsheet thingo to help me create some pie charts and statistic-y […]